A Positivity From A Passion

We are blessed to have many resources in the world, from the milk we drink to the food we eat. You could say it is a perfect world for us, but have you ever stopped to think where all those resources come from?

Each year, according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) over 16 billion animals are killed for food. Their deaths aren’t really painless either. Activist Paul McCartney said, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.”  This explains the inevitable truth: animals suffer everyday. They are grown abnormally large, uncomfortably stored in warehouses, and painfully killed. Many don’t really see the animals side because we’re the ones benefiting from all this.

Animals suffering for our food is not the only way they are used for harm. According to PETA, “Hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year in archaic product tests for cosmetics, personal-care products, household cleaning products, and even fruit juices.”
My compassion for animals has pushed me to make a change. There are people like me with a similar interests, many of which are Vegan.

There is more than one way to help these poor animals out. I plan on doing my part by switching to cruelty free make-up. Many makeup brands are harmful to animals. Guinea pigs, bunnies, and mice are abused in the process could just as easily be our pets.

Senior Noelle Barclay says, “You wouldn’t allow it on your pets, but you allow it on other animals just like them.” Noelle aspires to help by working for PETA one day.

Make-up is a big passion of mine, and has been for the past 5 years. I see it as taking something I love and turning it into something positive and helpful. What can I do? I can first vow to never buy make-up that is harmful to animals. Here are some to name a few:

Too Faced
Urban Decay
Tarte Cosmetics
Anastasia Beverly Hills
Be a Bombshell
Elf Cosmetics

Other ways to help include speaking up for what I believe in. I will use my voice to sign petitions about how I feel and support others who feel the same way.

Supporting cruelty free charities who are fighting for the cause of ending the suffering of the animals is another way.

If we all come together, we can make a difference. Animals have feelings just like us. They are living creatures just like us. Imagine how we would feel if we weren’t the top of the food chain.