A Day In The Life Of An SFS Student  

If the sun isn’t up yet, then why the heck am I up? This is a constant question I ask myself because I wake up around 4 am everyday and the school bus leaves at 5:30.

For most people, waking up can be one of the hardest thing you can ask a person to do in the morning, and it’s your first task of the day.

Our school is located in Manoa. I on the other hand, live in Ewa Beach. It is over 20 miles away from Saint Francis.

Every morning is a struggle. I look like the non zombie version of the Walking Dead. When my mom comes into my room and turns on the light, it is not enough to make me get up and stay up, unlike most people. She even comes by and shakes me to try and wake up. It’s not until after several minutes of constant shoving that I’ll wake up and start my day.

Every morning I am expected to wake up by 4:20 am. Instead, I wake up around 4:45 and have to rush out the house. I do my regular morning routine like brushing my teeth and changing my clothes, and then we’re out!

By the time I get to where the bus is going to pick us up, I barely have time to sit down and rest. Although it’s not always this hectic, this is my morning schedule. The bus ride can either be chill with everyone sleeping or people can be up and listening to music or talking. Recently, I’ve been bringing my speaker and playing music on the bus. Thankfully, no one minds because my music is good. Before, everyone would talk with their friends or knock out until whatever time.

When we get off the bus, I thank Uncle Isaac (the bus driver) and walk out. I eventually enter the ASC with the others from the bus and find a table. Everyone pretty much sits in the same placewith the same people everyday. Sometimes, I’ll do work for my classes that day or I’ll walk around and talk with my friends.

For a high school student that attends Saint Francis, it is not that easy to explain to others what a normal day is like. If someone asks,  “What’s your regular Wednesday?” I wouldn’t be able to tell them because of our 6 day modular schedule.

Every week starts a different day in the cycle. Everyone’s schedule is alike, someone can end school at 3:15 pm and another at 2:15. I think all of us students can agree that no matter what time school finishes or starts, at the end, we are drained.

Most of our students do other activities in or out of our school. We have sports like football, volleyball, softball and baseball, bowling, basketball, and air riflery. Everyone is active or does an activity in some way. I love it because there are so many ways to connect to everyone.

At the end of the day, I always learn something new or have a story to bring home. Yes, I live far and school is hard sometimes. But, I can proudly say that, “Yes, I am a Saint Francis Student.”

Although most of my friends and family aren’t anywhere near here, I’ve made a tremendous amount of friends and am extremely grateful for everyone of them. Once a Saint, always a Saint.