Girls Encounter

April 5th, 2018 the Junior and Senior girls left to go on a retreat known as Encounter. We took a forty-five minute bus ride to Camp Erdman on the North Shore. Encounter is a three day, two night retreat where we take our time to get closer to friends and to God.

When we got to Camp Erdman, we had some time to do our own thing and to get settled in our cabins. When we got to our cabin, we cleaned and put everything on our beds. We went outside and explored before we had to meet to start our activities.

Experiencing Encounter was one of the best decisions that I have made. I am glad I got to go on this retreat because I got to get things off my chest and get myself closer to God. We all take a break from reality and spent time with our friends.

I never did think that I was going to cry as much as I did on this Encounter. The same night that we got there was one of the most emotional nights I have ever had in my life.We were able to open up about things we needed to or just talk about things that we wanted to talk about. We were able to pray for people we needed to pray for.

Encounter was a great experience because people were able to open up to people and to build trust their group members. Some of the talks made
me cry, but I did really learn a lot from the talks.

I would recommend people in the future to attend the Encounter retreat because it is a learning experience and a chance to find yourself. You are able to make friends and get closer to people you never did talk to. Encounter is something that I think all people should go to because it allows people to be able to get closer to others and to God.